The state budget becomes public thanks to an app that is aimed not only at professionals and parliamentarians but at the entire population, making it easier to consult and understand the budget items.
Open Budget is the application of the Ministry of Economy and Finance - State General Accounting Office which intends to best respond to the questions of transparency for all citizens and operational efficiency for professionals.
The home page presents the summary data and the most significant information of the complex structure of the financial statements. This is where you can find all the useful information for those approaching the state budget for the first time. Further periodic news concern other events in the field of accounting and public finance such as DEF, State payments, Gender budget, Budget, Ecorendiconto, etc.
The documents of the State Budget now become more accessible, the user can browse by categories, and download their content with a tap. And the presence of a dedicated glossary allows you to research the meaning of technical terms.
The navigation of the data allows the consultation of the Income, Expenses and Balances: for the Report, the Settlement and the Budget Law it is possible to "navigate" the Income by Title, Nature, Type, Activity, Chapter and Article and Expenses by Ministry, Mission, Program, Title, Cdr, Category, Action, Chapter, and Management Plan, as well as view the balances and the main indicators, accessing the details of the data starting from a table view or in the form of a graph.
If you want to receive newsletters from Open Budget, you can register your email on the app. The e-mail account will be used exclusively to communicate the events of the budget process and the news in the app.
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