The "Alice in Gameland" app has been developed as an internal app within the Erasmus+ Gameland project - "Gamification Assets for Multisensorial Educational Tools in Language Learning using co-creation for addressing Needs and Desires of students". It is primarily designed to be used in educational settings with the aim of improving foreign language skills. It is a smartphone application compatible with devices running the Android operating system and equipped with an NFC reader. Alice in Gameland, through the smartphone and NFC technology, allows users to experience an augmented reality escape room where users are invited to move around their environment to solve the puzzles of Wonderland. Along the way, users are immersed in Alice's adventures and must make their own contribution to complete her journey. They will be asked to find the right answer to the puzzle presented by the app by interacting directly with the environment and the objects around them. The app is accompanied by some additional materials necessary for the correct execution of the escape room, which can be downloaded from the "" website, in the section dedicated to the Alice in Gamelad app, in the "Project results" section.