NFC HUNTER is the hunting game. What should you hunt ? NFC tag !!
Let's try for No.1 NFC HUNTER around the world !!
< How to play ? >
1. Touch any NFC tag.
2. Monster will appear on your phone and start to attack you.
3. Beat the monster before you die.
< How to beat monster ? >
1. Tap the monster repeatedly. -> Low damage
2. Shake your phone like a sword. -> High damage
< Feature >
1. Beating monster will increase your game score.
2. Greater score, greater your power.
3. Your score is submitted to the game server via internet connection, and ranking data will be updated automatically.
< Attention >
1. To enjoy this game, internet connection is required.
2. You can't fight the tag which was beaten already.
3. You can't fight the tag which was beaten by other player.
4. This game doesn't write any data into the NFC tag. (only read unique id)
5. Beating monster doesn't kill any function of your NFC tag.