Hadano City electronic local currency "OMOTAN Coin" is electronic money that can be used only in Hadano City using a smartphone app.
The more you use it, the better the area will become.
This is electronic money that users, businesses, and governments work together to develop.
●If you make a payment using OMOTAN coin, you will receive 1% points of the payment amount!
You can shop easily, conveniently and at a great price using just one smartphone!
●Payment method
Open the app at a store where OMOTAN coins can be used, and click "Pay" to start the camera. Please read the QR code provided and enter the amount spent. Show the screen to the clerk and complete your payment with one tap! ・Payment is smooth with no need to exchange change! ・It's easy to use, so even if it's your first time using a smartphone, you don't have to worry about it! ・Your transaction history is recorded on your smartphone, so you can see when, where, and how much you paid.
●Shops that can be used
Please check the OMOTAN Coin participating stores from the app's "Search" page. You can easily get store information within the app! When in doubt, search for member store information within the app.
●How to charge
You can charge your card at a dedicated cash charging machine or at a Seven Bank ATM. If you have linked your accounts, you can charge directly from your account on the app. *The charged balance has an expiration date. Please check the expiry date of your balance within the app.