This is Montbell's official app.
You can view your Montbell Club membership card on your smartphone. Easy and convenient search for Montbell stores and friend shops (special treatment facilities) nationwide. Shopping for outdoor gear, events, and applying for insurance are all easy.
Make your outdoor life more enjoyable with this must-have app for Montbell Club members!
■Present your membership card conveniently on your smartphone
・Cards matching your membership status will be displayed.
・If you have a support card or collaboration card, you can use it by switching the display to the same pattern as the real card.
・For outdoor insurance holders, a membership card will also be displayed to confirm the applicable period.
・If you are an annual subscriber to the mountaineering magazine "Gakujin", you will also receive a Gakujin card.
■Smooth shopping
- Shopping at online shops can be accessed smoothly from the app.
-You can check product information and special features by scanning product barcodes and QR codes.
■Search Montbell Store and Friend Shop
-You can search for stores near your current location, as well as by region or keyword.
・You can narrow down the friend shops nationwide where members can receive benefits by genre.
■You can access Montbell event information all at once.
・You can also apply for outdoor insurance that you can choose according to your activity.
■Other functions
・You can check news, campaign information, seasonal special features, etc. from Montbell.
・You will receive a push notification when your Montbell Club membership expiration date approaches. Annual subscribers to Gakuto will also receive an expiration notice.
Terms of use
・This is an app for Montbell Club members. Non-members can also use the service, but the membership card function cannot be used.
・To use the membership card function, you must log in with the member ID used on the Montbell website.
・You cannot use the membership card function by logging in to multiple devices with the same member ID. If you log in with a different device, you will be forcibly logged out of the device you were previously logged in to.
・By allowing location information, preferential search will become easier to use.
-This app is not guaranteed to work on tablet devices.