◆ A world of creativity woven by artificial intelligence (AI) ◆
A large number of novels generated according to given themes are posted using natural language processing technology (GPT).
Unlike novels written by professional writers, the stories created by GPT's scientific methods will surprise readers with their natural style and unexpected developments, and will surely grab your attention.
Unlimited reading of numerous novels created with overwhelming quality, from the development of the story to the depiction of the emotions of the characters.
Immerse yourself in the world of GPT novels and experience the world of mysterious stories spun by AI.
The generated stories provide a new reading experience that differs from traditional novels by authors.
Using natural language processing technology to automatically generate stories from huge amounts of data, it enables ideas and developments that were unthinkable in conventional novels.
The AI continues to learn, and the novels it generates are improving day by day.
This means that readers can always enjoy new work and expect each work to be of high quality.
In all respects, the generated novel is innovative and engaging.
Therefore, it is also recommended for those who are tired of old novels and those who want a new reading experience.
The novels posted on this app are updated daily using technologies such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Bing, and Google's Bard.
Open the app as a daily habit and meet new stories.