Manage and keep track of your budget at any time. Every income and expense can
be saved in a simple way, so you can keep control of your budget.
The application currently offers the following functions:
- Record all income and expenses, categorized;
- Taking into account income and fixed expenses;
- Fix monthly budgets for one, several or all categories and indicate the degree of achievement;
- Illustration of total revenues and expenses (in total or by category) with
possibility of comparison (monthly or fixed period)
- Illustration of savings made in previous months.
It is envisaged to further develop the application in the future and to integrate
additional information to enable the use of the application as well as the establishment of the
budget in the most user-friendly way possible.
The application lëtzfin Budget does not pursue commercial goals and is put free at
provision of its users.
Lëtzfin is part of the national initiative to promote general knowledge in
financial matters under the patronage of the supervisory authority of the Luxembourg financial sector,
Financial Sector Supervisory Commission (CSSF).