Learn German with Practice is a German quiz app that helps you learn German quickly.
With this German language learning app, you can select any A1 or A2 German grammar topic and practice offline.
It is perfect for German learning beginners as well as intermediate levels. After you start this course, you will skyrocket your German grammar knowledge!
Our aim is not only to teach you the German articles but also the entire range of German grammar topics, such as:
A1 Level: Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, Negation, Personalpronomen, Possessivpronomen, Präpositionen, Dativpräpositionen, Akkusatzpräpositionen, Modalverben.
And A2 Level: Genitiv, Reflexivpronomen, Relativpronomen, Demonstrativpronomen, Indefinitpronomen, Wechselpräpositionen, Reflexive Verben, Trennbare Verben, Präteritum, Imperativ, Komparativ und Superlativ, Pluralformen.
This easy German learning quiz app will also show you the correct answers and provide a short description of the A1 and A2 themes.