SkillsCV helps you find the job you are. By filling in your experience, knowledge and skills, you can quickly find vacancies that really suit you. This way you can start looking for the job that you are within 10 minutes!
What kind of resume?
SkillsCV is about what you can do - and you don't always need a diploma or work experience for that. What you can do is more than what you have learned for! We help you to ensure that your CV matches the job market even better.
Share your Skills CV
The app helps you to create a nice and clear CV and makes it easy for you to apply for a job. What will appear on your SkillsCV and what not, is entirely up to you.
Easily keep track of your favorite vacancies and which applications you have sent in the app.
* Add skills based on work, education or what you've taught yourself - we'll look for the professions!
* Search for jobs based on desired professions, within a certain radius, full-time or part-time, internship or part-time job - we are happy to give you the relevant suggestions!
* Shaping SkillsCV with all the information you put in the app - share what you want!
* Respond to vacancies that appeal to you - in the way that suits you!
All relevant vacancies that match your skills are presented in the app. Filter on what matters to you and make sure we can make the perfect match for you!