Want to save SnackCoins? That is collecting gifts!
We want to reward our customers with this digital savings program. You are the beating heart of our Vanreusel family and more than ever you deserve to be put in the spotlight.
How can you save?
As a friturist or catering entrepreneur you can register in this app, stating your unique SnackCoins code. You can then start saving. You will find a QR code on every box of Vanreusel snacks. Via this app you can scan the QR codes and the corresponding points are added to your SnackCoins account.
What can you save for?
If you have saved enough SnackCoins, you can exchange them for fantastic gifts that are catering-exclusive, family or 100% Belgian. You can choose from free snacks, handy tools for the chip shop or fun products for yourself or your family.
Easily save and redeem!