Zuuki Pendra
I have been using this app for almost a month now for using tweetdeck in mobile, but lately it has been becoming slow, the profile will take many minutes just to load a profile and I can't even post images along with scheduled post. It's good that it's free and doesn't have any ads yet but it would be great if they can fix this slow problem.
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Pablo Carboni
Quick summary: Your app rocks! 😁. Comment: (stuff to get fixed): it's a bit slow -but not painful- every time I open the app. Bandwidth consumption confirms it drains a couple of megabytes in just a few seconds -due to my column lists I think- (then every timeline update I think it has normal delay), while using 4G mobile network. I guess an internal (and limited) cache, images/text should help a lot! 🙂
35 people found this review helpful