The loan simulator designed by the Research Laboratory for Local Development assists the borrower candidate from the research phase.
With a simple and intuitive use, it is based on the principle of "calculation of the unknown": the user fills the periodicity of repayment as well as three of the four parameters of the loan (annual rate, maturity, capital, duration) and the simulator calculates the missing parameter, and the tables of depreciation.
Various original variants could usefully complement the reflection of the borrower are proposed. The simulator allows:
* Inform the borrower about the consequences caused by its objectives:
- "I need such a sum"
- "I will not go into debt over many years"
- "I do not want my periodic repayments exceed such sum"
- ...
* Simulates scenarios to broaden the scope of possible answers:
- "If I pay such a sum for such a period, how much can I borrow? "
- "So that I can borrow that amount, for how long do I have to go into debt? "
- "What will be the rate of my loan if I limit them to such a sum deadlines? "
- "How much has my schedule if I reduce the duration of my loan? "
- "What additional sum can I borrow if I lengthen the duration of my loan? "
- ...
* Expand the borrower candidate reflection scope to other types of depreciation profiles, close to its concerns.
* View the last interest rate of EURIBOR, EONIA and TEC
* Memorize the calculations, they provide an answer or not
* Store customized depreciation tables
Use the simulator of choice reduces the risk inherent in any new borrowing. The position of the borrower during negotiations with the lender is strengthened!
The simulator is Free Software Research Laboratory for Local Development, under CeCILL. The source code is available on
Permission to internet access is used to retrieve the values of EURIBOR, EONIA and TEC, as well as to access the document describing the mathematical formulas used in the simulator. This is totally usable offline.