Welcome to the Deutschlandflora app from Netphyd e. V!
With this app you can report your botanical finds quickly and easily. The app is the successor to the Deutschlandflora, Flora-MV, Flora-BB and Flora-ST apps and can be used universally for all Floren portals. Anyone who already uses the online offering of one of our portals can register and get started straight away. For everyone else, a one-time registration via the app or portal is necessary.
With the Deutschlandflora App 3.0 it is possible to record individual floristic observations directly in the field or to create mapping lists and transmit them to the Deutschlandflora database. The location data and the corresponding GPS blur are automatically recorded and saved with the observation. This eliminates the need to later search for the exact locations on your home PC or use a GPS device (but entering coordinates manually is still possible). For transmission, the data in the field is stored locally in the device and can then be transferred to the database with an existing internet connection. As long as the data has not been transferred, later editing on the cell phone is also possible.
Images can be captured directly in the field to simplify later validation.
A novelty of this app compared to its previous versions is the display of finds in the area.
Your discovery reports will be stored in the NetPhyd e. V. recorded and can be managed and further processed there by you. By using this app and your finds, you are making an essential and valuable contribution. Taking into account the protection of personal data, the finds flow, among other things. in the risk analyzes of the “Red List” and in the updating of the “Distribution Atlas of Ferns and Flowering Plants in Germany”. In addition, the data is made available to scientific institutions, state authorities and other research institutions upon request. With the help of the data, long-term development and distribution trends of plant species in Germany can be understood and appropriate protective measures can be justified.
Further information about NetPhyD e. V. can be found here. If you have any further questions, please take a look at our FAQ or send us an email to info@netphyd.de.
The app can be used optimally in addition to the online portal and offers the following advantages:
Easy handling
Automatic location detection
Can be used offline
Taking photos directly in the field
Display finds near me
The app contains:
Single find entry
Creation of card lists
Finds near me
Display my finds
About Us:
The Phytodiversity Network Germany e. V. (NetPhyD) is a nationwide association founded in 2006 that deals with botanical diversity in Germany, promotes field botany and compiles information on the distribution and development of Germany's flora.
If you have any questions or suggestions, simply send us an email to info@netphyd.de.
The NetPhyD team wishes you a lot of fun using it!