The "Eco-museum Hospitable Land" allows primarily to familiarize themselves with the "living" natural heritage, historical and cultural "Land of the Guest", which invites you to a guest in the region to meet tuciekawych and hospitable people and learn about their passions. Invite you to visit the cutting edge of extraordinary women who can make something out of nothing, Porąbka will host us in their artists and collectors, through which they operate regional chambers. On the active waiting horses and numerous hiking and biking trails.
The application will take us most interesting paths, which are located in the most important place of the Guest Lands: historical buildings, wooden churches, museums, regional chambers, a place where traditional manufacturer of cold meats, bread or dairy products and beekeeping. With descriptions, pictures and the galleries teleadresowym we can slightly closer look at the place. Mobile Guide, through the use of GPS technology, show us all the places on the map contained in the application, which easily will be able to reach by means of navigation. This feature is ideal also checked during trips around the Guest District, along the route.
The application works online and offline and uses OpenStreetMap mapping sleepers. Ecomuseum "Hospitable Land" was created in cooperation project Association of Fisheries Group "the Sola River basin and Wieprzówka" Carp Valley Association and the Association of Local Fisheries Group "Frog Country" under measure 4.2 "Support for interregional and international cooperation" OP FISH 2007 2013.