The application "Labor rights for you" is intended to inform about the employment rights of job seekers as well as those who are already employed and want to improve their knowledge in the field of work.
Through the fun-educational QUIZ you can test and deepen your knowledge through a total of 11 thematic areas. You can also choose a Mix game where questions from all areas are mixed. Points and one of 5 levels are earned for each completed area. Two types of help are available in each of the chapters ('Skip' and '50: 50 ').
THE GUIDE ON LABOR RIGHTS contains 11 thematic chapters, from "Establishing an employment relationship" through "Wages", "Dismissals", "Sick leave" and other important issues to "Organizing trade unions and collective agreements". The guide contains answers to all questions from the Quiz with additional information from the Labor Law of the Republic of Serbia and related legal regulations.
In the end, our CONTACTS are on social networks.
The application is part of the project of the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia "Development of the Youth Section". It is implemented with the support of the Olof Palme International Center and funds from the Swedish development agency SIDA. The content of the application does not necessarily reflect the views of the Olof Palme International Center or SIDA.