This application is a closed network for its own, where only verified Russian people are accepted. Here people help each other in any life situations. The application helps to create a Russian community in your locality or find an existing one and join it.
The application service will help you find your people in a particular city, town or village. You will be able to request community assistance, participate in community events, and learn about events from a special calendar.
You can share your posts, texts, photos and videos.
In the general feed you will find news of Russian communities from all over the world, the best experience, achievements and useful information.
In the gallery you will find interesting videos, photos, lectures, books, articles, films and videos about Russian history, culture and traditions in useful materials.
Each member of the Russian community will have the opportunity to use the "SOS" button for an emergency call for help. If you had an accident or were attacked - with one click you can notify the community about your trouble and see who responded and will come to your aid. And community members will see this message and your geolocation, they will be able to contact you and come to the place to help in person.
You will be able to support the petitions of the community, together with other users and members of the community, solve common problems, seek justice and improve the efficiency of government.
Community members will be able to help each other in finding employment, lobby for each other's interests, promote each other, help start their own business, hold sports, cultural and other public events together.
Arriving in any city where there is a Russian community, you will find your people, help and support, learn about enterprises and organizations in the service sector that belong to members of the community, and receive a special loyalty program in these places.
Also on the map of the Russian community will be marked all the places recommended by the community to visit and thus support their people.
The community is a unique democratic instrument. Here you can initiate re-election of the head of your community once a year. If more than half of all members agree with your proposal, then the re-election procedure will start automatically. Everyone will be able to take part, and the result cannot be manipulated by anyone.
Download and install the Community app, find your people and use their support, providing help from your side as well.