Mobile Wenzao is the mobile version of Wenzao University of Foreign Languages' school affairs information system, which is available for all faculty, staff and students of the school. The functions vary depending on the login identity. The supported user identities and corresponding functions are as follows:
1. student:
Personal vacancy query, semester grade query, past year grade query, personal schedule, teacher schedule query, teacher schedule query
Inquiry (by name), classroom timetable inquiry, whole school timetable inquiry (by subject), whole school timetable inquiry (by department), course selection result inquiry, credit and credit inquiry, leave information inquiry, available space inquiry, space vacancy period Inquiry, Service Hours and Extracurricular Activity Records
2. teacher:
Attendance and absenteeism roll call, approval of student leave slips, teaching timetable, query of available space, query of space vacancy period, query of school schedule (according to subject), form pending approval information, salary detail query, personal attendance query, invigilation time query
3. tutor:
Tutor class student query (school->department->class), tutor class student query, student leave form approval
4. staff:
Personal attendance query, available space query, space vacancy time period query, salary details query, form pending approval information, online approval of leave list, invigilation time query
How to use:
1. Log in with your account in the school administration system.
2. Depending on the login identity, use the supported functions.
3. Please log out after use to protect the security of personal privacy data.