Earn 10 loyalty points for every £1 spent at Bites and Bevs and unlock amazing rewards with our membership program!
We’ve got exclusive perks tailored just for you. Pick your moment to make the most of our offers!
The Bites and Bevs app will supercharge your visit, letting you:
Order at table
Pay at table
Plus, you’ll get access to:
Exclusive offers
Personalised rewards
Surprise and delight promotions
Vouchers, saved offers, credit, or item rewards
...and so much more!
Say goodbye to physical loyalty cards! Built by LOKE, a world-leading app provider, we ensure your security with PCI-compliant standards so you can shop with peace of mind.
Use this app at:
Burgers & Beers Grillhouse
The Newsroom Bar and Eatery
The Piper’s Rest
The Railbridge
…and more sites coming soon!
All major credit cards are accepted. Download today and start enjoying our awesome rewards instantly!