Check your balance while you are out and about. Manage payments on the go. Credit cards made simple with the Sainsbury’s Bank Credit Card App.
If you’re a Sainsbury's Bank Credit Card customer, register for online banking and download the Sainsbury’s Bank Credit Card App to gain easy access to your account.
Logging in is as easy as using your fingerprint. Once you’re in, you’ll be able to see up to six months of your transactions and monthly summaries; as well as manage, monitor and pay your balance.
Your card is always in your control with the ability to set up SMS notifications for your transactions, freeze/unfreeze your card, and view your PIN from within the app. And if you ever get stuck then you can access support info and FAQs directly from the app.
Once inside you’ll have access to features that make banking a breeze:
• Check up to six months of transactions, with handy extras like merchant contact info.
• Edit or cancel your Direct Debit payments.
• Set up Google Pay in a few clicks.
• Freeze/unfreeze your card with a tap.
• Forgot your card PIN? You can view it in the app.
• Set up SMS notifications so you’re always up to date with your card's usage.
• Link your Nectar account to collect more points on every day spend.
• Request a balance transfer.
• Check your current rates for purchases, balance transfers and money transfers.
• Access support info and FAQs from within the app.
We’re a bank by name, but Sainsbury's by nature, so you can be assured that we’ll make your banking experience as simple as doing your weekly shop.