So Last Minute is the largest marketplace dedicated to last minute hair & beauty appointments, making finding and booking a last minute appointment easy!
FLEXIBILITY - love being flexible? So do we! If your life is busy and you prefer booking services within a few days opposed to weeks, then SLM is for you! Instantly receive notifications when your favourite Professionals post availability. View the details and book in less than 30 seconds and that's it, you could be treating yourself that afternoon!
PINBOARD - Need a Hair & Beauty service but can't find a suitable appointment? Post on the 'Pinboard' - this is where you let Professionals know what you need & when you're available to get it done and let Professionals in your area view your request and offer you an appointment. If you're happy with the offer great, go ahead and book it! If not, hold off and let other Professionals make you an offer.
DISCOUNTS - Some super last minute appointments may be discounted to offer a reward to those of you with the freedom and flexibility to book. This is great for those seeking a bargain who are happy to hold out and leave booking to the last minute.
DIARY CONTROL - You control your diary! Only post your last minute appointments. Open yourself up to a wide market of potential new clients who are only on the app for one thing....last minute appointments. It's a win-win. Also, SLM is for busy Professionals on the move so posting a new appointment takes less than 30 seconds.
NOTIFICATIONS - Existing clients & anyone who has 'Favourited' your profile receives an instant push notification when you post a new appointment, allowing them to view in the app and complete the booking - with no limit on the number of appointments you post and no added costs for alerting clients.
PINBOARD - Cancellations and gaps in your diary are costing you up to £625 per month! Let So Last Minute help by picking up work when it suits you. Anyone in your area who needs a Hair & Beauty service but can't find a suitable appointment on the app can add a job to the 'Pinboard' which you, the Professional, can then view and decide whether you want to offer an appointment to this client.
Pricing - Simple & Transparent
CUSTOMERS - The app is completely FREE to download and use.
Small service charge payable upon booking an appointment.
£17 per month per Business Profile
No long term contracts
No commissions
No hidden charges
No Limit on the number of appointments advertised
No card charges
No costs for client notifications
Available across the UK & Ireland