The official application of BV 8 makes it easy for people to register for online medical check-ups by hour, reducing waiting time at the hospital. Now, with the application of District 8 Hospital, people can: Register for online check-ups by hour, store history of their own or relatives, review details of Dinh's medical itinerary, make online payment conveniently. , receive notification of medical examination or re-examination from the hospital, update health articles from a team of specialists / regular doctors ... All procedures are done online, helping people reduce waiting time at Hospital.
• Register for hourly medical examination right on the phone
• Online payment in many forms: bank card, e-wallet MoMo
• Receive notifications of reminder visits or follow-up visits, via the app and email
• Instructions for medical examination right on the phone
• Keep track of your own and loved one's medical history
• Updated official health information from a team of experts and doctors