Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy/Horror (with elements of romance).
Aura spends a ridiculous amount of time rescuing her mum from dangerous situations. This one would have to be the worst. More dangerous than the serial killer episode. And for once, it isn't her mum's fault. Not that it makes the situation any less dangerous or the chance of her survival any greater. Demons are real and they want her family dead. She's determined not to let that happen. Now if only she can come up with a sensible plan. One that will allow her and her family to live.
Keywords: teen/young adult, horror, demons, hell, contemporary sword fighting, romance, strong female character, Queensland Australia setting, occult and religious references and themes, cult.
Avril Sabine is an Australian author who lives on acreage in South East Queensland. She writes mostly young adult and children's speculative fiction, but has been known to dabble in other genres. She has been writing since she was a young child and wanted to be an author the moment she realised someone wrote the books she loved to read.