Brendon is a world-renowned children's specialist and has worked as a musician, songwriter, television presenter, and comedian. Now, in his first book for grown-ups, he explores what it means to keep childlike wonder alive in our adult years. He candidly explores the losses and wins he's had throughout his own varied, happy, sad, tragic, and everything in between life. He also delves into a life of hope with God versus a life of abject futility and lostness without Him.
If this book had a subtitle it would read 'Navigating the truth when you've been living a lifelong lie'. Whether we believe or don't believe, Brendon's sincere hope is that by sharing some of his bigger messes, it might help all of us continue to ask, seek, knock so we can all walk through an open door of love, peace, and joy no matter our age, stage or phase.
And remember that to be 'old and wise, you might first need to be young and stupid'.
Press Release - Children’s Specialist Launches Best-Selling Book
Arlington, Texas, May 4, 2023 – Pants On Fire – written by Brendon Clancy, has just concluded a
successful book launch on Amazon, ranked as a #1 Best Seller in multiple categories.
In his first book for grown-ups, he explores some keys to keeping childlike wonder alive in our
hearts, even when we’re older.
Brendon’s story is his journey of faith in the invisible God of the universe, versus a life of abject futility
and lostness without him.
Brendon can be reached at for more information.