Out of the Bronx: A Memoir

· She Writes Press · Narrated by Irene Sardanis
1 review
6 hr 33 min
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About this audiobook

Leaving home was not easy for Irene Sardanis. Born into a Greek family in the Bronx in the 1940's she was the youngest child of an unhappy mother and a father who drank, gamboled and enjoyed other women.- and then when Irene was eleven abandoned the family altogether. Irene's older siblings found a way out, but Irene was trapped hostage to her mother's rage and despair. When she finally escaped her mother as a young adult, she married a Greek man who controlled and dominated her just like her mother always had. But Irene wasn't ready to let her story end there. Out the Bronx is a story of how, with the guidance of one significant woman, Irene found a road away from danger - and a path to freedom.

Ratings and reviews

1 review
Aaron Pewtherer
February 25, 2023
omg ... best audiobook narrator from an amazing author and person... and Greek no less!!
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