This Life Series offering was supported by my wife Susan with editing, amendments, and reviewing. Thank You, Susan, for your patience and encouragement.
Special thank you to Lanita and Steve Boyd who walked us through the early questions and editing maze with patience and are still by our side today.
To Wanneta Wagner and Jamie Johnson our Communication team at Glory to God International Ministries, who have been with us every step of the way. They are leading to cover development and formatting assistance.
Also, to Troy and Madison at Focus on Success who gave of their time to move the early versions through scanning and copying.
Above all, thank you to the Saints of the IDP camps all over West Africa whose stories are all told through the imagery of Mercy, Comfort and Mercy's Mother.
My hope is the reader will experience this Life Series vignette in one 45-minute investment of time. Allowing the story to meander you past the characters to a place of awe and reverence of a God who is still in the miracle working business. That you will land as I have, knowing "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27)
James B Corbett