Infestation (Zombies Are Human, Book 2): A Post-apocalyptic Thriller

· Zombies Are Human Book 2 · Igneous Books · Narrated by Jamie Thornton
5 reviews
7 hr 39 min
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About this audiobook

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jamie Thornton.


For sixteen-year-old Gabbi, life on the street isn't much different after a virus sweeps away civilization: watch your back, do anything to survive, protect your friends.

But Gabbi's friends are imprisoned at a refugee camp and every move she makes puts them in even more danger. Gabbi will do everything to keep her friends alive, but what if everything isn't enough?

The stakes are bigger than Gabbi could imagine, pitting Feeb against Feeb, with uninfected and Vs against them all. If Gabbi doesn't outsmart everyone, she'll get her and her friends caught--again.

This time they won't all make it out alive.

"...This isn't the boxcar children covered with a veneer of wholesomeness. These street kids know how to survive on the streets, and it isn't always pretty... heart-stopping and horrific...." ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Where do I even start? I guess here: it's refreshing to finally read a disease-centred apocalyptic story that feels real... cannot wait to see what happens next...." ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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5 reviews
Wlater Musa
December 24, 2021
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