The Book of Crypto: The Complete Guide to Understanding Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets

· Gildan Media · Чита Matthew Josdal
17 с 54 мин
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О овој аудио-књизи

This book provides a thorough overview of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets and their impact on the future of money and finance. It provides a 360-degree practical, concise, and engaging overview of all the topics that one interested about digital assets needs to know including how Bitcoin and Ethereum work, an overview of the most important digital assets in the market, and deep dives into the various types of digital assets including cryptocurrencies, stable coins, CBDCs, utility tokens, security tokens, NFTs, and many others. The book also covers all the essentials including DeFi, crypto mining, crypto regulations, crypto investors, crypto exchanges, and other ecosystem players as well as some of the latest global crypto trends from Web 3.0 and the Metaverse to DAOs and quantum computing.

Written by a leading industry expert and thought leader who advises some of the leading organizations in the digital assets space globally, this book is ideal for anyone looking to acquire a solid foundational knowledge base of this fast-growing field and understand its potential impact on the future of money.

О аутору

Henri Arslanian is the former PwC Crypto leader and partner, the first chairman of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong, and an adjunct professor at the University of Hong Kong. He is also a TEDx and global keynote speaker, as well as a bestselling and award-winning author. Originally from a small town in southwest Saskatchewan, Matthew Josdal is a voice-over and theater artist who has narrated titles in a wide range of genres, including historical nonfiction and contemporary fantasy. He obtained his BFA in drama from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, where he currently resides.

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Чита Matthew Josdal