If you are reading these lines it is because the same people you just read in the prologue have convinced me. Although I have been thinking about writing this book for seven years, the experience in its application made me back out. Although the method is simple and elegant and extremely easy for a normal person, what is not normal is to find "normal" people. I found that a paradox in the form of a curse inevitably appeared: while those who took it as a simple playful activity succeeded without further ado, those who really cared had all kinds of difficulties.
So, once the method was protocolized, I focused on finding out what was happening on the people's side and I found, among others, after-effects derived from incorrect concentration exercises to which they were subjected for years and which are not at all harmless, they are severe and difficult to treat. I also found pharmacological treatments, as well as various addictions, dietary deficiencies and traumas of all kinds that interfered with the process.
The problem was that these obstacles, instead of becoming more limited, became more varied as I studied more people, but each person is a world and became unapproachable.
In these years I limited myself to apply it individually, monitoring each person until they do them, fix them, learn to do them and can repeat them without further problem, which takes little time, but the inconvenience is having to come all the way here.
So when they asked me to write this book they convinced me by saying that there would be people "with little dust in their eyes", a quote that resonated with me, and that they would support with their testimony. For my part, I have described with the utmost precision the method so that by following it literally there are no inconveniences in achieving it. In addition, I relate the most frequent obstacles I have encountered, so that the reader can keep them in mind and identify them if that is the case.
The jhānas are the gates of enlightenment and it is not a matter of keeping the door hidden any longer because there are people incapable of using a simple key that opens them. The method is so powerful and elegant, I can't resist considering that it is intrinsically linked to human nature itself and that in other times, remote times perhaps, the social networks of that time connected devas and humans.
If you are one of those with little dust in your eyes and you care, take it easy, read it slowly several times and do it. Stepping out of the world and contemplating it will change your life, as it did for Buddha himself.
Tomás Morales y Durán is a Spanish-Mexican author, translator, and researcher born in Cáceres, Spain, in 1961 but who has developed his work in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He is a multifaceted polymath whose enormous activity almost overwhelms the capacity of a single person.
The Buddha was looking for the end of suffering and the author, the door to Wisdom, and in the end, both were the same.
With encyclopedic training and a lover of the arts, he becomes a polymath mastering various branches of conventional knowledge. He learns to use intuition during his time at the School of Naval Engineers, which will help him later to accumulate engineering, master's and postgraduate degrees without much effort. This helps him to have a global understanding of the structures of knowledge itself and the patterns in which it unfolds, which is very useful for him professionally.
However, this kind of knowledge is circumscribed to the sphere of language, that is, it cannot penetrate into what has no name and, on the other hand, it is not capable of answering the questions of why and for what. This is the end of the path of conventional knowledge and beyond that one enters the fields of philosophy, which are merely speculative.
Going further requires breaking down the limitations that the brain imposes on the human mind. Because the problem is the brain. With language areas running wild, a limbic system chemically commanding the entire brain based on primitive algorithms we share with amphibians and reptiles, and senses unable to remotely glimpse reality, the brain is not the tool, but the impediment. Thus, he plans the escape from the sphere of language by stopping the brain. In this way, consciousness is freed from this bondage and can explore other spheres. He achieves this by developing a method that cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain while it is previously protected by its own neurotransmitters.
The perspective of reality, beyond the limitations of the brain, will be documented chronologically in his work The Treatise on Wisdom, which consists of twelve volumes and 680 sections that complete the vision of reality from Wisdom, otherwise inaccessible. . Wisdom that is the coordinated set of Rational Thought, Tranquility and Intuition, Gnosis, Paranormal Abilities and Episteme. On this journey, the author will discover that the paths he is following were already trodden millennia before by Gotama himself. The Buddha was looking for the end of suffering and the author, the door of Wisdom, and in the end, both were the same.
And since knowledge must be practical and as an exercise he composes Music in All Colors, that is, music as it is understood from other spheres, completely Gnostic, logical and simple.
And there will be no lack of humour. Banderillas is a work of satirical and corrosive humor not suitable for the offended, in the form of short slogans with double and triple meanings and a counter-motto that just finished it off. It is also not for the faint of heart.
The author has managed to decipher the rosetta stone of Buddhism: the Pāli codification using the four original Nikāyas. Pāli is an artificial language created exclusively to contain the Word of the Buddha, and like all formal language, each concept has a term and each term, a concept. This was done in this way so that the Teaching would remain frozen in time, preserving it from the linguistic evolution of natural languages. Formal languages are not translated, they are decoded. And this could be done with the help of the intricate redundant structure that these Nikāyas present throughout more than 6,000 pages. In this way, it has been possible to make a snapshot of the Buddha's Word in today's language, and it is the first time it has been revealed for millennia. The translation into eleven languages of this gigantic work will bring the Word of the Buddha closer to a good part of humanity.
The author is currently working on the first Authorized Biography of the Buddha, which is surprising on every page.
Much of Tomás Morales's work has been translated into English, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, and Portuguese.