Using panels shaped like the outlines of building blocks, Akira Omori explores the nature of space in painting.
This art book presents an overview of his work with a total of 102 pieces, including figure drawings and watercolor landscapes, from the oil paintings of 37 years ago that led to his current style to his latest works in 2021.
Print length:108 pages
「積み木による構造体」をその輪郭の形をした変形パネルに描き、絵画における空間のあり方とその表現を探ってきた大森 啓。
OHMORI Akira Biography
1964 Born in Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan
1985 Studied at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Nancy, France (~’86)
1991 M.F.A. in Painting, Kanazawa College of Art
2005 Awarded the Excellent Work Prize for Associate Member at the 79th KOKUTEN (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
2013 Exhibited at Daegu Art Fair (Daegu,KOREA)
2014 Exhibited at LA Artshow (Los Angeles, CA) ('15)
2015 Exhibited at "Best Selection of Art 2015" (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
2018 Awarded the Grand Prize at the 74th Contemporary Art Exhibition (Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art)
Many other solo exhibitions and group exhibitions
Currently a member of the Kokuga-kai, Professor at Kanazawa College of Art
大森 啓 略歴
1964 富山県小矢部市生まれ
1985 フランス国立ナンシー美術学校に留学(~’86)
1991 金沢美術工芸大学大学院修士課程絵画・彫刻専攻油絵コース修了
2005 第79回国展準会員優作賞受賞(東京都美術館)
2013 Daegu Art Fair 出品(Daegu,KOREA)
2014 LA Artshow 出品(Los Angeles)(同’15)
2015 「公募団体ベストセレクション美術2015」出品(東京都美術館)
2018 第74回現代美術展美術文化大賞受賞(石川県立美術館)
その他 個展・グループ展等多数
現在 国画会会員 金沢美術工芸大学教授