Learning Elementary Science for Class 4 (A.Y. 2023-24)Onward

· Learning Elementary Science Book 4 · Goyal Brothers Prakashan

About this ebook

The Learning Elementary Science is a series consisting of five books (Classes 1 to 5), based on the latest curriculum and guidelines laid down by NCERT in its National Curriculum Framework (NCF). The main focus is given on the development of different skills as per NEP 2020. In this revised edition, various elements of NEP 2020 are incorporated to facilitate the shift from rote learning to skill building. The emphasis is also given to develop higher order thinking skills in children including communication, creativity and critical thinking. Life skills along with inculcation of healthy habits are also discussed to promote a holistic approach towards the protection of the environment and conservation of nature. This series: • aims at encouraging inventiveness and competence in children. • follows a thematic approach of the concepts. • introduces each chapter with an interesting and interactive warm up section to recall the previous knowledge related to the concept. • presents language in simple and easy to follow manner, considering the age appropriateness of children. • contains vibrant colourful illustrations and pictures to grab the interest and attention of children as well as for clarity of the concepts. • adopts collaborative approach that leads to interaction of both students and teacher in the process of learning. • provides well-formulated questions, which address the different cognitive levels and various skills, as per NEP 2020 (Art Integration, Case Study Based, Application, Critical Thinking, Experiential Learning, Problem Solving, Exploration, etc) of students. • includes Life Skills that are helpful in real life situations. • raises the environmental awareness among children as well as its conservation and protection from the very young age. We are sure this series will make learning science a fascinating, effective and engaging process for the learners. Looking forward to your valuable suggestions. Author

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