Akira Tajino, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Linguistics and a founding member of the International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education (i-ARRC), as well as the Graduate Course of Foreign Language Acquisition and Education at Kyoto University, Japan. His research interests include EAP, pedagogical grammar, and classroom research. He has served on the editorial panel of several journals including ELT Journal.
Tim Stewart is a founding member of the International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education (i-ARRC) at Kyoto University. He has been an associate editor of TESOL Journal since 2009 and is the editor of the new TESOL International Association book series Voices from the TESOL Classroom.
David Dalsky, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Social Psychology and a founding member of the International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education (i-ARRC) at Kyoto University. He publishes internationally in both cross-cultural psychology and applied linguistics. His research interests include EAP, indigenous psychology and cross-cultural psychology.