The Prophetic Spirit of Catechesis: How We Share the Fire in Our Hearts

· Paulist Press

About this ebook

Focusing on catechesis as a process for adults, this practical book presents a new way to respond to adult questions and needs, to invite adults to reflect on their spirituality, and to encourage them to action. The book also examines the ministry of catechesis and gives tribute to catechists for their extraordinary service. Written from a pastoral point of view by one the country's best-known catechists, the book is divided into two parts. The first looks at the nature of catechesis, its recent history of renewal, the seven official documents on catechesis since Vatican II, and the theology of catechesis. The second part describes the process of connecting life to faith through the use of Biblical, ecclesial, and liturgical tools and symbols--as well as through the sharing of ordinary personal stories. While the emphasis is on the catechesis of adults, the concrete methods explained here can be easily adapted for children and adolescents. Every "type" of catechist should have this book, including parish priests, faith formation directors, RCIA directors, group leaders, professional catechists, volunteer catechists, liturgy directors, and parish council members. Particular help is given to women as they make up 87% of the field. +

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