The fantastic sequel to series one of the high fantasy Dirt. Includes the short story Mistry’s Tale, the prelude to Dirt, Series 2.
Deoram Ham is a beautiful little village in the far south of Bind, a peaceful, simple community perfect for dragon riders who miss the dragons and want to live a life far from the wars they fought.
It is not to last, and as new threats emerge, fighting is not now an option; the only solution is to escape to the beautiful island of Hope.
Johnson Farthing, the former general and now farmer, has no choice but to travel north once more to find a boat.
Farthing put his hand up for them to stop.
“What is it?” Silvi whispered. She had started riding next to him in the last hour as she slowly recovered from her embarrassment and fear.
“Over there,” he said, pointing. “Those are deer.”
“They are very small!”
“Scrubland Deer,” Seb said quietly, riding up on the other side of the girl. “Go on, Silvi. I have seen you get a small boar with your bow. You can get one of those. They make great eating.”
“You think?” She looked nervously at the two men, both of whom for different reasons she felt she must impress.
“I think you should try,” Farthing said. “Get down so you are stable, I will hold your horse.”
“What if I miss?”
“Then it is beans again.”
Silvi concentrated, trying to ignore her audience of two men and six horses as she nocked the hunting arrow and pulled the string back. She took a slow breath as she brushed her cheek with the string. “Come on Silvi,” she said to herself. “He is watching, you can do this, you know you can.” Feeling her mouth going dry she aimed at the lower chest of the deer standing closest to her and let fly.