On an icy, barren world, a starship dreams of doom…
Throughout the galaxy, the reclusive alien race known as The One are incapacitated by terror.
On the planet Luddeccea, wolf-human hybrid Volka harbors a terrible secret…a secret that must explain her nightmares.
Trapped on a luxurious asteroid, pleasure ‘bot 6T9 struggles to find purpose—until he receives a message from an Unidentified Caller.
The worlds of The One, Volka, and 6T9 are about to collide. The galaxy will be shaken to its core.
The starship is waking.
Keywords: science fiction, sci-fi, space opera, first contact, alien invasion, artificial intelligence, AI, space colonization, galactic republic, space marines, speculative fiction, romance, slow burn, fade to black, humor, aliens, robots, fun, First Contact, Space Fleet, Metaphysical & Visionary, Adventure, Mutants, Mystery, Invasion, Contact,, Fleet, Extraterrestrial, Action, genetic engineering, cyborgs, mutants, cybernetics
C. Gockel got her start writing fanfiction, and she is not ashamed! Much. She received emails, messages and reviews from her fans telling her she should 'do this professionally'. She didn't; because she is a coward and life as a digital designer, copywriter and coder is more dependable. But in the end, her husband's nagging wore her down: "You could be the next '50 Shades of Gray' and I could retire!" Unfortunately, the author isn't much for writing smut. She is sad about this; she'd love for her husband to be able to retire and just work for her so she could nag him.