If you started a LOW-CARB DIET, then you are probably worried about Desserts. No more sugar? Nothing sweet to treat yourself to – ever? How can you cope? Worry not! The rich and flavorful chilly treat & desserts are guaranteed to satisfy your sweet cravings without any insulin rush. CLASSIC KETOGENIC DESSERTS & ICE CREAMS is here for your pleasure. You will never ever again rely on store brought crap that has loads of refined sugar, colorings, preservatives, and artificial flavors which can cause mental problems, blood sugar crashes, and of course, fat gain. Now you can safely indulge your sweet tooth without compromising YOUR LOW-CARB PRINCIPLES with rich, decadent, fat burning 50+ desserts like: mousses, creams, creamy and velvety smooth ice-cream, cheesecakes, cakes and biscuits, brownies, tarts, truffles & more.