[Menage Amour: Erotic Paranormal Menage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, Demons] Collecting souls is an arduous job, but Belinda, a demon, has been doing a damn good job so far thanks to the help of Sebastian, a powerful demon who can morph and multiply himself. He is her friend and lover who can satisfy all her sexual demands, especially for threesomes. But all that is about to change thanks to Avgar, a ruthless demon, who is her new apprentice on a mission to steal Christopher Columbus' soul. He knows she is hiding something and will do anything to find out what it is. If her secret were ever revealed, she and Sebastian would be banished to the deepest depths of Hell. If that weren't enough, Amato, a guardian angel, is sent to protect Christopher Columbus. He knows her secret and is infatuated with the beautiful enchantress. Whenever they make physical contact, Belinda feels an electrical shock of rampant arousal. Can she tame her sexual urges for the angel or will her mission be jeopardized and her big secret be revealed? Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among the men. ** A Siren Erotic Romance