Alex, Who Won His War

· Zumaya Publications LLC

About this ebook

For 14-year-old Alex Kellar, the war can't be over soon enough. His beloved older brother Oliver is with the 101st Airborne, right in the heart of Nazi Germany's last-ditch battle for survival.

That battle is about to come closer to home, beginning with Alex and his friend Larry discovering a drowned man washed up on the beach. When the body is identified as a German spy, the boys bask for a brief time in the spotlight. It's an exhilarating moment.

Except once the spotlight is gone, Alex discovers that spy was not alone, and the lives of two elderly women his brother made him promise to look after—not to mention Alex's parents and older sister—are in great danger. Dare he tell the authorities the secret? If he doesn't, will it betray all Oliver is fighting to protect? 

About the author

Chester Aaron lists his credentials as the following: mill-worker; boxer; combat infantryman; college student; x-ray technician; union organizer; civil rights activist; sheepherder; professor; farmer; writer. His time as a professor took place on the campus where the events that inspired his novels Whispers and Murder by Metaphor took place

A native of western Pennsylvania, he served in the armored infantry in Europe from 1944-45 and advises he has been unarmed ever since.

Mr. Aaron has managed to attract some small attention as a grower of and expert in the long-neglected field (which does not include his own) of garlic. When not winning awards for his writing, he has been known to appear on PBS and NPR to discuss the subject.

He currently resides in the lovely Sonoma Valley near Occidental, California. 

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