Relevant cases studies provide personalised examples of real-life issues experienced by people living with dementia and approaches used by carers. These case studies are further supported by text elements such as summaries and exercises to help readers to not only understand but implement what they are learning.
Edited by three leaders in their fields, Executive Director of the Dementia Centre (Research, International & Dementia Design) Associate Professor Colm Cunningham, psychogeriatrician Associate Professor Stephen Macfarlane and geriatrician and aged care specialist Dr Madeleine Healy, the BPSD Textbook draws not only from an impressive range of expert authors, but on the extensive practice experience of leading dementia care organisation, HammondCare.
Meeting the need for a high-quality, comprehensive educational text addressing BPSD, this book is ideal for the aged care workforce, allied health professionals and registered nurses seeking to develop their knowledge and inform their practice.
Associate Professor Colm Cunningham is qualified in general nursing, intellectual disability nursing, and social work. His dissatisfaction with the care and support available to people with dementia led him to study the first MSc in dementia at the University of Stirling.
Colm has held senior leadership roles at two international dementia centres – the Dementia Services Development Centre UK, under Professor Mary Marshall, and for the last decade as Director of HammondCare’s Dementia Centre in Australia. He holds roles as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Sydney in the Faculty of Medicine and Health and as Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in the School of Public Health.
His recent work has been informed by issues of complex dementia, through his experience of HammondCare’s specialist residential programs and his role in establishing a national service for the Australian Government, Dementia Support Australia. He is part of an Australian and international team involved in research and education into better care for people with advanced and complex dementia.
Associate Professor Stephen Macfarlane has been a psychiatrist for 20 years, and was appointed Director of Aged Psychiatry at Peninsula Health in Melbourne, Victoria, in 2005. He moved to Alfred Health in 2008 as Associate Professor (Monash University) and Director of Aged Psychiatry, before accepting a position as Head of Clinical Services with Dementia Support Australia in 2016.
Steve is a past Chair of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age for The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, has been running Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials as a Principal Investigator at the site, national and international levels for over 20 years, and has clinical interests in frontal lobe disorders and in senile squalor.
His work with Dementia Support Australia has him overseeing a group of geriatricians and old-age psychiatrists around the country. He has been intimately involved in developing new Commonwealth dementia care programs within Australia, and with the Royal Commission into Aged Care Safety and Quality.
Dr Madeleine Healy is a geriatrician and general physician in Victoria, Australia. Madeleine has a special interest in supporting people living with dementia, and works clinically across Monash Health and HammondCare. She works in memory clinics, acute and subacute services, and also provides clinical support to psychogeriatric nursing homes. She has a strong commitment to the education and training of junior doctors around dementia support, and has an adjunct senior lecturer appointment at Monash University.
Madeleine is a Clinical Associate for Dementia Support Australia and is also experienced in clinical trials of disease-modifying drugs in Alzheimer’s disease.