여태껏 광주사태 주동자들 및 그 배후 세력은 온갖 거짓말로 광주사태를 포장해 왔다. 그러나 문재인 정부의 5.18 재조사 시작을 즈음하여—지난 38년간의 5.18의 거짓의 탑을 그 밑둥부터 일거에 무너뜨리는— 본서는 광주사태의 진실 및 객관적인 사실들을 제시한다.
김영삼 정부 시절의 엉터리 5.18 인민재판 판결의 유통기한이 끝났음을 선언하는 본서는 크게 세 부분으로 구성되어 있다. ‘제1장 ∙ 세월호 참사 원인 제공자 문재인’은 부산저축은행 대형금융비리 사건과 세월호 참사의 공통적인 원뿌리가 유병언과 문재인의 이상한 관계였다는 사실을 들추어 낸다. '제2장 ∙ 손석희의 태블릿게이트(Tabletgate)'는 사기탄핵 무효 선언이다. 제3장부터 제11장까지는 새로운 5.18 재판 및 5.18 재조사 형식으로 진행되고 있는 문재인과 전두환의 5.18 역사전쟁의 뜨거운 핵심 쟁점들을 다룬다.
The primary language of the book entitled The War of 5.18 History in South Korea is Korean language with few occasional English texts. The subtitle of the current volume is The War of 5∙18 History between Moon Jae-in and Chun Doo Whan. If one wants to know what has been going wrong with the democracy of South Korea, especially under the oppressive regime of Moon Jae-in, this is the book one must read. The biggest lie ever told in history is the claim that Gwangju Uprising of May 1980 was a pro-democratic movement. The book present the facts and truths of the incident, shattering and overthrowing the false narratives of Gwangju Uprising which was organized and led by pro-Communist, anti-American, and pro-North Korean groups.
The book is made up with three parts at large. The first chapter is about Strongman Moon Jae-in, about his political career that has been untold like a top secret. The second and third chapters are about President Park Geun-hye, about what happened to her in 2016-2017, and all about impeachment by fraud. The other chapters from Chapter Four to Chapter Twelve is about the truth and the real fact of Gwangju Uprising that took place in May 1980.
The author Dr. Daeryeong Kim is both a theologian and a historian. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree for his research in the field of epistemology at Fuller Theological Seminary. This academic background enables him to bring a unique contribution to studies in modern Korean history. One cannot fully understand Korean political affairs without first fully understanding different ideologies at war in Korean society. With the background of his theological, epistemological, and intercultural studies, Dr. Kim is a unique historian who can describe and interpret the nature of ideological war in South Korea. Many volumes of his previous works are stocked at the library of universities around the world. His earlier education includes history with the University of Maryland and theology at the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary in Seoul.