Brother Daniel Yu was born in 1943 in Guiyang, Guizhou, China. He and his family fled to Hong Kong during the Second World War. By God’s grace he became a Christian and was saved in 1959. In 1964, God commissioned him to revive the church, to glorify God and to bring millions back to Himself. In response to this commission, he quitted his job as a nurse and engaged himself in full-time ministry. For over 50 years he has lived by faith relying on God’s supply. God uses Brother Yu to plant churches and raise up many brothers and sisters to love Him in sincerity, bringing forth a revival movement which influences and blesses Hong Kong and the world.
Since the day of conversion till now, Brother Daniel Yu has highly treasured drawing near to God and allegiance to bible teachings. He pursues the knowledge of the Lord with passion and reads widely. With God’s gifts of spiritual discernment and enlightenment on bible truths, he figured out a right path of spiritual pursuit and building the church. Brother Yu also pays much attention to literary and audio-visual ministries. He has published more than 60 books and message collections, some of which have been translated into English and other languages.
Brother Daniel Yu is also a poet. He has written thousands of hymns. With sincere affection he sings and praises the truth. His hymns have helped numerous brothers and sisters to sing to the Lord with their hearts and overflow with worship. Through singing worship, brothers and sisters experience interflow of love and affection with God, entering into the depths of His infinitely beautiful heart.