Managing Self-Access Language Learning

· City University of HK Press


Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) has played a prominent part in language education in universities. Its role is to foster autonomous learning among students. With the wide-spread implementation of SALL and its increasing impacts on students, it is important to understand how SALL is managed in order to meet the learning needs of the users in the most resource-effective way. This book provides readers with an understanding of SALL management by setting the discussion against a wider backdrop and also examining details of current good practice.

The authors examine issues of leadership and management in education before turning to look at the roles of a SALL manager, and suggest how these roles are changing and what the future may hold for managing SALL. Case studies are used to illustrate how SALL is managed in different universities as a way of contextualising the issues discussed in the book.

The book is of relevance to institutional and departmental managers, classroom-based language teachers, teachers more directly involved in providing SALL opportunities and, of course, SALL managers.

Published by City University of Hong Kong Press.



David Gardner is the associate director of the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He has created and taught a range of EAP and ESP courses and managed a self-access centre. His areas of research interest are: self-access la


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