Kini orang-orang di seluruh dunia bisa dengan mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan melalui mesin pencarian atau biasa disebut search engine. 3 hal dibawah inilah yang menjadi alasan Kitab THE BOSS kami buat.
1. Mesin Pencarian Adalah Sumber Informasi Dan Pengguna Internet Percaya Mesin Pencari
2. Pentingnya Peran Optimasi SEO & SEM di Website Bisnis Anda Untuk Traffic dan Konversi
3. Mempersiapkan UKM (Usaha Kecil & Menengah) Untuk Era Internet Of Things
Manfaat Kitab THE BOSS
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As a Digital Entrepreneur and also Chairman of Indonesian Digital Marketing Association (Digimind), his passion is in the field of Education. He is the owner of, an Educational Institution focusing on Digital Transformation Babastudio was established in the year of 2003. It has graduated more than 133,000 students up to this date and it keeps growing by the numbers.
In his efforts of creating a better infrastructure for students to learn, he invented a hybrid learning system where students can have the lecture either via face to face or via online by just signing in inside babastudio dashboard. It does not only stop there. In addition to that, he also created a system where the infrastructure can support the onliners to communicate with either by chat or even video call.
It has become his inspiration in inventing an online learning platform named that was established also a decade ago. It is one of the pioneer of online learning platforms in Indonesia.
With Digital Marketing being one of the subjects given in babastudio, he invented an application named where all infrastructure has already been taken care of for the students starting from resources up to logistics. The only thing the students need to do is implementing the knowledge they have on how to sell a product online. Imagine students who have already had retail stores available and all they need to do is only to market the store. For short it is a Dropship platform.
His latest contribution is www.TechFor.Id. which gives first hand Information from CEO & Experts in Digital world. This includes his mission to create #1000 Digital talent from High School and University students for free.
To him, all the knowledge that he has is pointless if he can not share it with others.