In 1935 all Annalise Stern wanted was to have what all of her friends had - a husband and a respectable, predicable life as a housewife and mother.
On the verge of achieving that dream with Jacob Miller, a medical student, things fall apart when he abruptly leaves for Europe. Along with celebrities like Hemingway and Dorothy Parker, he has decided to take part in the Spanish Civil War, determined to save Spain from a fascist backed revolution.
Desperate to save her engagement, Annalise goes after him. But on the ship to Spain, she is accidentally pressed against a man and instantly experiences deja vu. She knows him! But she has never seen him before. From that moment she begins a life altering journey that marks the end of her innocent yesterday and begins an uncertain tomorrow.
Eternal Love, Paris, Deja Vu, Reincarnation, Spanish Civil War, Prejudice, Antisemitism, Racism, Communism, Fascism,