God has a glorious destiny for your life but you need to die to yourself in order to step into it. This is something that is hidden from the minds and hearts of most Christians. Are you also finding yourself unsatisfied?
Discover the secrets that unlock the door to the highest fulfillment - being free from yourself. It is life's greatest privilege!
Estera will take you on a journey that will uncover the fingerprints of God in her life and will help you understand the beauty and sacredness of God's ways in your own life.
Self-centeredness is the norm of today but without humility, you will never experience everything God wants to do in your life.
Gain breakthrough over the areas that block God's destiny for your life!
Estera Marian is the author of the blog The Eyes of My Heart. She created it in 2009 after experiencing God for herself, which compelled her to share her journey with others. Ever since then, she’s been writing consistently through the years, taking the reader with her as she allows herself to understand God’s will and His ways. Estera and her husband Raul live in California. She studied at Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri.