visual mnemonics
test questions to help you practice
vocabulary lists for reading practice.
These vocabulary lists appear for each group of letters, so you can practice on words that only use the letters you have learned. To make them easier to read (and also, beneficially, remember), the words are mostly related to English words. Thus you can not only practice your letters, but also pick up some 800 words as well. Where the meaning of the words is less obvious, mnemonic keywords are provided.
The workbook includes:
instruction on learning the individual letters
visual and story mnemonics for learning the order of the alphabet
targeted vocabulary lists
full glossary with word meanings and mnemonics where appropriate
a special section of words that provide roots used in English medical and scientific vocabulary.
Fiona McPherson has a PhD in cognitive psychology, from the internationally-regarded Psychology Department at the University of Otago. She has spent the decades since that achievement following the research into how the human brain thinks and learns and remembers, and communicating that knowledge and its practical implications to a lay audience. She has done this through her long-running and extensive websites ( and, and her books. Her guiding principle is that people are more likely to use effective strategies if they understand how and why they work, and know precisely when and when not to use them.