With the ever-growing speed and gargantuan computer memory, Information Technology has become a domain which now has quite a number of subfields within it, including AI and Data Science. We have restricted ourselves only to Information Technology in this book, but the soft ware also keeps improving. Now, it is not just about a better soft ware in a computer, but the soft ware and hardware both getting optimised. With this end in mind, this book titled Basics of Information Technology for Class 9 [Subject Code: 402] has been designed. This book fufils all the needs and requirements of the latest syllabus released by CBSE. It, additionally, comprises the recommendations of the National Education Policy 2020 which focuses on the development of critical thinking, life skills, problem-solving skills, experiential learning, etc. Salient Features of the Book As per the latest curriculum and examination pattern prescribed by the CBSE, New Delhi The book is divided into two sections: Part A deals with Employability Skills. This part comprises chapters like Communication Skills–II, Self- Management Skills-II, ICT Skills–II, Entrepreneurial Skills–II and Green Skills–II. These chapters cater to the acquisition of soft skills among the students/readers of this book. Part B deals with the Subject-Specific Skills. It consists of four units: Digital Documentation (Advanced), Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced), Database Management System and Web Applications and Security. The first three units of Part B are based on OpenOff ice soft ware suite. They are technical in nature. The version of this application used is OpenOff ice 4.1.7. These chapters of Part B use Writer, Calc and Base, respectively. Chapter-Specific Features Chapter content meets the requirements of tech-savvy students. Activity provides a useful way to check the knowledge given practically. Fact gives an interesting historical fact related to the concept. Did You Know? provides an interesting piece of knowledge to get the students interested. Summary sums up the key concepts given in each chapter. Every chapter has its accompanying exercise. Also, each unit ends with a Question Bank consisting of competency-based questions, very short, short, long answer questions, etc. Video Lectures Chapterwise video lectures are given to enable the students to understand better. In order to access videos, Download Merit Box Android App from Playstore. Scan the QR code given in the chapter to watch the videos through the MERIT Box Android Mobile App. Online Support E-books (for teachers only) Teacher’s Resource Book Overview of the chapters Lesson plans Answers to the exercises We hope that this book will meet the needs and requirements of the students as well as feed the intellectual curiosity of the readers. Any suggestions for further improvement of the books will be welcomed. — Authors