Thus, the legislative study in this book provides a bit of positive substance on the scale for the tenure of President Nixon. For those who supported Nixon, this book might offer reassurance that they were not, after all, totally misguided in doing so. But regardless of where your politics or opinions stand, this fact-based book offers valuable and unique insight and lessons about the importance of “reaching across the aisle” to get things done. No matter your level of existing knowledge, if you read this book, you will learn something new about Richard Nixon and maybe even change your opinion of him.
GEORGE D. CAMERON III is Professor Emeritus of Business Law at the Ross Business School of the University of Michigan. He earned B.A. and M.A. degrees at Kent State University and LL.B./J.D. and Ph.D. (Political Science) degrees at the University of Michigan. Professor Cameron taught Law at the college level for fifty-three years—the last forty-three at Michigan, including teaching visits in Beijing, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, and Rotterdam. He has won several teaching and research awards, including “best professor” and “best course” awards, as well as recognition in Business Week as a “notable professor” at a Top Ten business school. Professor Cameron’s three Business Law texts total a combined seventeen editions, and he has spent the last several years researching, analyzing, and writing on political topics.