Using the work of fellow researchers as his starting point, Glyn Lewis studies the locations that Jesus is said to have visited - from Cornwall to Somerset - and produces some striking evidence, presented here in combination with his own fine photography and some useful maps. Lewis’s original research is combined with broad and insightful analysis of the existing material, making a convincing case for Jesus indeed having walked “upon England’s mountains green”.
GLYN LEWIS was born in Shropshire. Since 1991, he has worked as a photographic essayist, first in Hong Kong where he recorded the plight of people living on the streets and in crowded bed-space lodges, and later in the UK producing photographic essays on the ministry of Agricultural Chaplains to the farming community, the work of Park Attwood Clinic and the role that therapies play in aiding the healing processes, and on the religious order of the Poor Clares. His essay, "The Gospel, told in photographs and words", has been exhibited in the cathedrals of Wells, Exeter and Chichester.