The hoax succeeds beyond his wildest dreams and sets into motion a chain of events that bring a real extraterrestrial presence into the open. Earth is rocked by global catastrophe on a level never before imagined, and humanity is confronted by the prospect of alien invasion. Hank discovers a conspiracy as old as time itself. He learns he is responsible for the calamity facing humanity, and what's more, he learns he is the one man capable of exposing the truth that may lead to mankind's salvation.
On its exterior, Paradigm Shift engages the reader with a visual, action-packed, Hollywood-styled blockbuster, but on a deeper, psychological level, the reader is taken along the hero's mythic journey to ultimately confront the true nature of humanity.
Born in London, Harry S. Franklin is a firefighter and paramedic in northern California. Happily married with two daughters, Harry enjoys studying mythology, psychology, theology, and philosophy. This is his debut novel.