Several of the stories included in this volume have been previously published but are collected here for the first time. The story “Only One” was originally published in the United States Golf Association’s “Golf Journal,” and was later republished in “Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul.” It has since be republished many times and in many different languages around the world. Once it was used as the basis for a religious sermon by an internet minister, though Nursall disclaims any allegorical intent in writing it. It is, in fact, a story about his mother, Norma Halstead Nursall and the day she scored a hole in one. It is a true story, states the author. Other of his stories have been published in the Golf Journal, including “The Secret,” and “Reunion” – originally titled “Turn Away.” “Angel’s Flight,” and “The Finest Gift” have also appeared in the Chicken Soup series of books. The stories “Postmortem,” and “One Foot in the Bucket,” were contest winning stories that signaled Nursall’s effort to branch away from golf stories---As were his stories, “The Haggis,” “My Sister’s Can o’ Corn,” “Merton Speaks,” “The Offer,” “Sarafina’s Song,” “The Visit,” “A Kindly Fist,” “Hurrying Home,” and “Fingers and Toes.” The story “Against An Azure Sky,” was based on the particular facts of a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County, of which the author disclaims any personal knowledge.